all postcodes in L7 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L7 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L7 2GA 40 0 53.411091 -2.948717
L7 2PE 1 1 53.407575 -2.952324
L7 2PF 3 3 53.407685 -2.950928
L7 2PJ 6 0 53.41172 -2.947678
L7 2PL 21 0 53.410453 -2.947605
L7 2PN 36 5 53.409307 -2.947955
L7 2PR 25 3 53.409286 -2.948421
L7 2PS 27 0 53.408686 -2.947069
L7 2PT 47 0 53.408839 -2.947133
L7 2PU 36 0 53.409224 -2.947231
L7 2PX 21 0 53.409602 -2.947255
L7 2PY 39 0 53.409969 -2.9497
L7 2PZ 39 0 53.410139 -2.949749
L7 2QA 9 0 53.40997 -2.947323
L7 2QB 29 0 53.40959 -2.949842
L7 2QD 39 0 53.409798 -2.949681
L7 2QE 38 2 53.409185 -2.949983
L7 2QF 39 0 53.409401 -2.949853
L7 2QG 19 1 53.408847 -2.94951
L7 2QH 16 0 53.40865 -2.94934